New Zealand Farm Working Jobs

Complete Guide On The New Zealand Farm Working Jobs 2023


Welcome to the complete guide on New Zealand Farm Working Jobs for the year 2023. If you are looking for new opportunities and have a passion for agriculture and the great outdoors, then working on farms in New Zealand may be perfect for you. The country has a well-established agricultural industry, providing ample farm job opportunities in New Zealand.

Working on farms in New Zealand is not only an excellent way to earn a living but also to experience the scenic countryside, learn new skills, and interact with like-minded individuals. There are different types of agricultural jobs in New Zealand, including farming, horticulture, and viticulture, which offer a range of work environments and experiences.

In this guide, we will explore the various farm job opportunities in New Zealand, including agricultural jobs in New Zealand, farm job opportunities in New Zealand, and working on farms in New Zealand. So, whether you are a foreigner or a local looking for employment on New Zealand farms, this guide has everything you need to know about the farm working jobs in New Zealand.


Farm Job Opportunities in New Zealand

Are you interested in working on a farm in New Zealand? With the country’s abundant agricultural industry, there are plenty of farm job opportunities for international workers. Not only will you get to experience the stunning natural beauty of New Zealand’s countryside, but you’ll also gain valuable work experience and potentially improve your language skills.

Before you start looking and applying for employment on New Zealand farms, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, as a foreign worker, you may need to obtain a work visa or permit. The type of visa you’ll need will depend on the length of your stay and the type of work you’ll be doing. Make sure to research the necessary requirements and have them in order before you apply for any farm jobs for international workers in New Zealand.

While farm work in New Zealand for foreigners can be rewarding, there are also challenges to consider. You may experience culture shock and language barriers, depending on your background. Additionally, farm work can be physically demanding and require long hours, but the benefits can outweigh these challenges. Not only will you gain work experience, but you’ll also have the opportunity to meet new people, learn about a different culture, and potentially travel around the country.

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Farm Work Visa for New Zealand

If you’re interested in seasonal farm work in New Zealand, you may be eligible for a specific work visa. The Seasonal Worker Program allows individuals from certain countries to work in New Zealand’s horticulture and viticulture industries for up to seven months. To qualify, you must be at least 18 years old and come from an eligible country.

For those interested in a longer-term commitment, the Working Holiday Visa may be a good option. This visa allows individuals aged 18-30 (or 35 for some countries) to work and travel in New Zealand for up to 12 months. There are specific requirements and quotas for each country, so make sure to check your eligibility and apply early.

Regardless of the type of visa you require, make sure to follow the application process carefully and provide all necessary documents and information. Be aware that visa processing times can vary and may take several weeks or months, so plan accordingly.

Finding Farm Working Jobs in New Zealand

Once you’ve obtained the necessary visa or permit, it’s time to start looking for farm jobs in New Zealand. One option is to work with a farm job agency in New Zealand. These agencies specialize in connecting job seekers with farm employers and can provide valuable services such as visa assistance and job placement.


Another option is to search for farm job opportunities online. Websites such as and list farm jobs available throughout the country. Make sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to farm working jobs, highlighting any relevant experience and skills.

When applying for farm jobs in New Zealand, be prepared to provide references and potentially undergo a background check. As with any job application, make sure to present yourself professionally and follow up with potential employers after submitting your application.

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Seasonal Farm Work in New Zealand

If you are looking for a unique and rewarding way to experience New Zealand’s countryside, seasonal farm work may be the perfect opportunity for you. New Zealand’s agricultural industry relies heavily on seasonal workers to help with various crops, such as apples, kiwifruit, grapes, and cherries.

As a seasonal worker, you can gain valuable skills and experience while earning money to support your travels. To engage in seasonal farm work in New Zealand, you will need to obtain a farm work visa for New Zealand.

Requirements for a Farm Work Visa in New Zealand
– Be 18-30 years old
– Have a valid passport from eligible countries
– Meet health and character requirements
– Have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in New Zealand
– Obtain travel and medical insurance for the duration of your stay in New Zealand

Once you meet the requirements, you can apply for a farm work visa through the New Zealand government’s online application system. The application process typically takes up to three weeks to complete.

As a seasonal worker, you will have the opportunity to work and live in rural areas throughout New Zealand, providing a unique cultural exchange experience. You will also have the chance to develop new skills, such as farm management, animal care, and horticulture.

Overall, engaging in seasonal farm work in New Zealand can be a valuable and rewarding experience. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore the country’s beautiful countryside, gain new skills, and form lasting memories.

Finding Farm Working Jobs in New Zealand

If you are interested in finding farm working jobs in New Zealand, there are several avenues to explore. One of the most effective ways is to engage the services of farm job agencies in New Zealand.

These agencies are specifically designed to connect job seekers with farm employers and can be an excellent resource for finding the right job in the agricultural sector. Some of the most popular farm job agencies in New Zealand include:

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Farm SourceFRENZ RecruitmentAgstaff
Offers a wide range of farm jobs throughout the country, with a strong focus on dairy farming.Specializes in providing recruitment services to the agriculture and horticulture industries.Provides temporary and permanent staff to the agricultural sector, with a focus on South Island.

In addition to utilizing farm job agencies, there are also several online platforms and resources available to explore farm job opportunities in New Zealand. Some of these include:

  • Farmers Weekly Jobs: An online job board specifically designed for the agriculture sector in New Zealand.
  • TradeMe: A popular online marketplace in New Zealand that also features farm working jobs.
  • Backpacker Board: A platform that connects backpackers with farm work opportunities across New Zealand.

When applying for farm working jobs in New Zealand, it is important to craft a compelling resume and cover letter that highlights your relevant skills and experiences. Be sure to tailor your application to the specific requirements of each job and showcase your passion for working in the agricultural sector.


Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our complete guide on New Zealand farm working jobs. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the opportunities available in New Zealand’s agricultural industry and inspired you to embark on your own farm working journey.

Remember, finding the right farm job opportunity for you requires research, preparation, and dedication. Take advantage of online resources and connect with farm job agencies to explore your options and craft a compelling resume and cover letter that showcases your skills and experience.

Working on a farm in New Zealand offers unique opportunities for personal and professional growth, cultural exchange, and unforgettable experiences in the beautiful countryside. We encourage you to take the leap and pursue your farm working dreams in New Zealand.

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